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Away Messages

- Lets review our right and left.... Your right i left....

- I'm lost in thought, plz send a search party...

- "He sees you when your sleeping, He knows when your awake, He knows if you've been bad or good..." Is Santa a stalker?

- Up in a tree... I'll be back later.
- Talking to myself-Why won't I listen!?!?
- Don't do anything i wouldnt do, but if you do....... do it twice!!!

- Sorry i am away spinning on my chair :D...im here...im away...im here...im away...

- 'Tis the season for my shower falalalalalalalalala i'll be back in half an hour falalalalalalalalala

- Let's play hide and seek. I hide and you seek. ready...GO!

- Like a fat kid in dodgeball... I'm out

- With a *wink* and a kiss im sorry to announce. But this lil hottie has gotta bounce
- When life hands me lemons i make lemonade. when life hands me instant messages from you i put away messages up.
- Yep...your right, im gone, im not here, im hiding, i walked away, im not present...your right and if your lucky and and you've been a good boy/girl, ill come back.

- I've always wanted to think of a really really good away message....but.....im lazy!

- Keep staring at the screen and maybe I'll come back.
- You must be bored too if you are reading people's away messages. I must be bored if I am telling you how bored you are.

- (your name)'s computer is broken right now this is her fridge. You can still leave a message.. but say it slowly, so i can right it on a post-it. Thank You !
- I would stay and chat but youre' far to boring.
- I'm sorry, but i'd raher have an depth converstion about the sand in china with my chair then talk to you at all
- Gone insane, be back, well....NEVER!!!

- Don't pout, I'm out.....

- No i'm really not here this is an illusion *waves arms*

- SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......I'm ignoring you

- I have gone to my lil corner...NOT to cry but to play my guitar


